Angela's Harp
My friend, Angela, recently built a harp. I remember when she first told me that she had plans to do it. She mentioned that she had been perusing the various patterns and kits for a while, trying to reconcile the complexity of the project with her resolve to finish it once she started. Building a harp from the ground up! How does a person accomplish that?! Well, Angela, for one, would have had both the nerve and the drive to attempt it, so as proud friends do, I made it my goal to throw my enthusiastic support her way. When I saw her weekly at our band rehearsal, I would ask her about her progress. One week she let me know she had made a decision and had ordered her kit. A couple of weeks later she announced that her living room floor was sectioned off with all of the innumerable pieces, and that she had begun sanding the wooden parts. There was one week where she wasn’t sure if she had bitten off more than she could chew with this project. “But,” ...