In Search of a Happy Ending
My very first post on this blog was called "Bill Paying Night" and it had to do with how it feels to be singularly responsible for my life, without the help and support of a spouse. You can deduce, then, that I am a recently separated/divorced person. The truth is that the court date is still looming. Pretty soon, though, the chapter will be finished. Very soon, in fact. Over the course of an over 2 year separation, I have written a small mountain of rants that may never see the light of day. They mostly have to do with what it was like trying to manage a marriage to an alcoholic person who is also, probably, dealing with other psychological issues. Because my children, and maybe even my precious mother-in-law, read my blog, I'm hesitant to say too much publicly--what it has been like to pull out of mental and emotional turmoil, and begin again, is something I have to avoid posting to the world. I did, however, come across a little glimpse of my recovery, j...