Going for the Gusto--A Little Lesson in Pleasure
I liked that movie! He likes a good brat and a beer on a hot summer day! She likes getting packages in the mail. Do you like scrambled eggs and bacon? Like. Like. Like. Have you ever thought about the idea of “liking” something? I mean, if I like tacos (which I do…very much), it does not matter to the taco. It does not change the taco one bit and the taco, other than becoming non-existent (because I ate it), cannot care about or experience my preferences. But, you know, there is “subject, verb, object” in English. (Be patient with me as I dive into a little bit of a grammar lesson). I am the subject, doing a verb-thing (liking), and the taco is the object. It experiences the brunt of my verb-thing. If I change the verb-thing to, let’s say, EAT—“I EAT the taco” rather than “I like the taco”--then the object (the taco) is directly affected, as a proper object should be. It gets eaten and thus changed by me, the subject. Being an unabashed linguaphile, I frequently f...